Raspberry Pi Quick Setup

Raspberry Pi setup References:
"Raspberry Pi - A Quick Start Guide", Author: M. Schmidt.
"Raspberry Pi Cookbook", O-Reilly

Operating System:
Several OS variants can be found here: http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/
I've used the Raspbian (Debian Wheezy) version.

You can check the SHA1 checksum by comparing the SHA1 checksum on the site with the result from:
> fciv <downloaded zip file> -sha1

Note: the program fciv can be downloaded from Microsoft: google "fciv download" and you'll find it.
Note: sha-1 is a so called message digets of 160 bits which is unique for each byte sequence (file). This Secure Hash Algorithm is a cryptographic hash function where the claim is: It's impossible to make changes in the original byte sequence and still get the same message digest. See FIBS PUB 180 for details.

Assuming you use a windows PC:
Install "Windows Disk Imager", for instance from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/

Unzip the downloaded OS, which results in an image file. Use the Disk Imager to copy the image to the SD card. Done....

First boot of the Raspberry Pi board:
Make at least these changes:
- Expand the file system to free the not yet used space on the SD card
- Enable SSH (this is in the advanced options of the menu)

Set the keyboard mapping to US (unless you like the GB keyboard....)
> sudo vi /etc/default/keyboard
Change XKBLAYOUT="gb" to "us"

Correct display settings:
You might change the overscan to use the full screen of an attached display:
> sudo vi /boot/config.txt
I've used: overscan-left=-32 overscan-right=-32 overscan-top=-40 overscan-bottom=-40

WiFi (Edimax nano USB adapter) setup:
The easies way is to use the WiFi config item on the desktop. Use the Scan option and Add your found network, then add the key and remember the IP address (you never know when you might need it).

Setup I2C:
By default the I2C interface, as well as SPI, is disabled. Enable these interfaces:
> sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf
Uncomment the blacklisted spi and i2c interface lines

> sudo vi /etc/modules
Add these to lines at the end of the file:

Install the I2C tools:
> sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
In /dev you should find i2c-0 and i2c-1

> sudo i2cdetect -I                                  Shows the available busses
> sudo i2cdetect -y 1                              Shows the available addresses
> sudo i2cset -y 1 0x20 0x13 0xFF     Uses bus 1, writes value 0xFF on address 0x13 of chip identified by 0x20